Thursday, November 01, 2007


National Blog Posting Month.

Inspired by National Novel Writing Month,

. . . you look at the calendar, and when the whole world goes, "Oh, I can't believe they're already playing Christmas music in the warden's office!" you'll know it's November and that is the month in which you post something to your blog every day, in accordance with the National Blog Posting Month challenge!

I'm only starting out 5 posts behind but I think I'm going to try this.

They (the people over at NaBloPoMo) will probably consider it cheating to fill in posts for the past few days but I justify it by the fact that I just learned about this today from Peter DeWolf, who is a guest blogger at Such Great Heights, a blog I read regularly.

So there, that makes it all ok.

I seem to like the pressure of having to post every day, as evidenced by my desire to do this and my photoblog.

in the interests of full disclosure, this post was really posted 11/6/07, 10:02 pm.

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