Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You go, Brattleboro!

Some of the good citizens of Brattleboro, Vermont signed a petition to add a ballot measure instructing the local police to arrest Bush and Cheney for crimes against our Constitution.

Now, the local Brattleboro police have no authority to do such a thing, even if the ballot measure passes.

And I'll bet the supporters of the ballot measure know it full well.

But, that's not really the point now, is it?

The point is that Bush and Cheney have committed crimes against our Constitution.

Can you say warrantless wiretaps? Can you say habeas corpus? Can you say waterboarding? Or federalizing the National Guard?

Bush and Cheney are fearmongers who have used their fearmongering to their own gain, to increase their power and control far beyond that allowed under our Constitution, in a democracy with a balance of powers.

And far too few people are calling them on it.

So, to the people of Brattleboro who are willing to take a stand and use their ballot boxes to make a statement condemning and drawing attention to this sad state of affairs, I say, "Right on!"

Know that, while there are blowhard Bush supporters out there who are currently bombarding you with ignorant emails and telephone calls, there are also more rational, reasonable people who support what you're doing and see the wisdom in it.

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