Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I'm gonna be in the paper tomorrow.

I'm not sure how that's gonna go.

I hate being interviewed by reporters, mostly because of the lack of control. I'm saying a, b and c but only c makes it into print.

We're dealing with an issue of being priced out of the market in Aspen. We need to find new space but, as we explore available space, we're finding that either we can't afford what's available or zoning shuts us out.

We provide an invaluable service to both locals and visitors and there's a possibility that we won't be able to maintain an office in town.

We're not the only ones in this boat and I don't want to say that we're more deserving than other businesses.

Hopefully, I conveyed that to the reporter with whom I spoke today.

In addition, the economics of my industry are rather dense and hard for the average joe to grasp. As I often say, 95% of what I do shouldn't be necessary. But it is.

And today, I had to try to educate a reporter while also trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about and trying to not say anything he could quote out of context to make me look stupid or arrogant.

We'll see how successful I was . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the follow up post. Did the reporter seem sharp enough to get what you were saying and note distinctions?

I'm sorry you're going through this work problem. You are an important service and location is key.