Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Is Global Warming to Blame?

No boom.

For the first time since I've lived here, the guys at the Smuggler Mine did not wake me up at 6 am on the Fourth of July with their extremely loud cannon blasts.

This is very sad.

Now, as I have previously explained, the guys at the Smuggler Mine are a cantakerous group and don't take kindly to being told they can't do something. When certain wet-blanket types in the City of Aspen tried to forbid the 6 am Fourth of July cannon blasts, the miners simply thumbed their noses and went ahead anyway.

So, I can't imagine that today's lack of boom was done willingly.

We do, however, have a situation here. It is dry. Really, really dry. So dry that the fireworks at Aspen Mountain have been moved to the municipal golf course. So dry that there were not one, but two wildfires within the city limits on Monday.

Therefore, while I am totally guessing here, I'm thinking that the silence this morning might have something to do with the tinderbox quality of the surroundings.

This has definitely started my day off of a sour note, or should I say, a lack of a stirring, startling, heart pounding note.

It remains to be seen if I'll be able to salvage the day . . .

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