Saturday, July 07, 2007

Conundrum for the Ages

"If the Cubs are so bad, how come they have so many fans?"

(as heard on today's Weekend Edition Saturday)


Eric Wittenberg said...


At least the Cubs aren't standing on the precipice of an epic non-accomplishment. My Phillies now have 9,999 losses in the history of their franchise and only about 8800 wins to match up against those losses. No other professional sports team has ever suffered 10,000 losses, and the next nearest--the Braves--have less than 9700 losses. It's not even close.....

I feel your pain. I really, really do.


IamMBB said...

No, I think our respective pain doesn't even compare. You win (?) hands down. It's gotta be much more painful for you . . .

For me, the non-fan that I am, it's just a curiosity. I identify with the Cubs solely through habit.

Anonymous said...

Since I don't follow baseball, winnings and losings don't matter much. I'm blissfully detached (sports in general allow me to understand and experience the Stoic and Zen virtue of detachment).

On the rare occasions that I see a game, the Cubs allow me to enjoy a day in the fresh air, comeraderie and sunshine with soem entertainment to view when the conversation wanes.

As I consider the real Cubs baseball fan though, I see a romantic who's supporting an underdog, a modern Don Quixote. In an age so driven by success it's rather beautiful.