Monday, December 11, 2006

Regift = Tacky

This evening, I was lecturing Rachel. Not because she had done anything wrong, mind you. She was actually getting ready to make me dinner.

No, I was lecturing in an attempt to plant my voice in her head. I understand that my voice is already in her head but I wanted to be sure that it was implanted there on this specific subject. So that when the temptation to engage in this behavior rears its ugly head, and it will, she'll hear me loud and clear. She may go ahead but at least I'll have had the opportunity to weigh in and we all know how important that is to me.

So what am I talking about? (like the title didn't give it away . . .)

I am inveighing against the online attempts I have stumbled across to legitimize regifting.

Regifting is, in a word, tacky. It is dishonest. The core tenet of regifting is deceit. Regifting, bad.

That's the message I want to pop through Rachel's subconcious when she's tempted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo! We all can learn this. Regifting often gets found out and then the regifter looks so cheap and thoughtless.

If you get a gift you don't like, sell it on ebay or donate it to charity.