Sunday, December 10, 2006

O Tannenbaum

After some struggle with my inner Grinch, I rallied today and with much assistance from Rachel, trimmed the tree.

Rachel says she always thought trimming the tree meant cutting it down.

Not really necessary with a fake, pre-lit tree. So much easier, although I do have to say it was a bear to retrieve from the subterranean storage. But at least I wasn't tromping around in the cold like my neighbors.

I know, there's a whole less filling/tastes great dynamic to the fake vs fresh issue but I'm lazy enough to be all about convenience.

It seems like I put all this effort into putting the tree up only to turn around and take it down a minute later. Every year I intend on putting the tree up on Thanksgiving or the day after so that I can get my money's worth from all that effort. But every year, it just doesn't happen.

Last night, I was thinking that I'd just sit and listen to all my Christmas music for the next two weeks and that would do it for me. No need to decorate with all this Christmas spirit on the old iPod . . .

But decorate we did. We skimped on the gold bead garland and the bows but Rachel did go outside and decorate the back of the tree through the sliding glass door so it'll look nice for the neighbors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought if I got my own home, I'd have a special closet where I'd keep a fake tree on wheels so I'd just have to roll it out for the holidays and put on the ornaments.

I love fresh trees, but is the work worth it? I love when my parents have a fresh tree. I'll help put on the ornaments and take them down, but I getting the tree is no longer fun nor is vacuuming the needles off the floor daily