Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mountains or Ocean?

The classic conundrum, brought home especially these days since my espoused is spending 2 months in Hawaii working.

He called me last week and I could hear the waves lapping through his cell phone (shades of "can you hear a pin drop"?). I got off the phone feeling quite envious of him being there while I was stuck . . . wait a minute, let's just ponder for a minute exactly where I was stuck. Hmmmm.

So, I took the dog for a walk through town to remind myself. It was Sunday afternoon of Labor Day weekend, gorgeous and sunny. I was wearing shorts, a tank top and flip flops (altho I did carry a fleece, just in case). I ran into friends, watched world class volleyball, and window shopped the sales.

I pondered my preferences; if I was in Chicago and had a choice of going to Aspen or Hawaii,which would I pick?


Now, don't get me wrong. Hawaii's awesome. But I'm much more comfortable in the mountain climate. Sunny, warm during the day, cool at night, few to no bugs, no humidity, no sand. Rivers, lakes and streams give me my water fix. Lots of physical activities mixed with a dollop of cultural activities.

So, why am I still envious? Is it just human nature? The grass is always greener phenomenon?

How many times in the next 8+ weeks am I going to go through the exercise of checking airfares only to decide that I'm not going to go . . .


Writer Girl said...

I don't know I like sand and I think the ocean isn't the same as lakes and rivers. I would have a harder time choosing where I would want to be. First of all because I have never been to Hawaii (my mom has), so I think it would be tons of fun and awe inspiring to go. All in all I thiink I couldn't choose where I would rather be

Darling Daughter

IamMBB said...

Yes, the allure of a place you haven't been can definitely tip the scales. Someday. After all, I was 41 before I went to Hawaii for the first time (and only, so far.)

Anonymous said...

Could be the desire for variety and it's so easy, though not cheap, to experience a plentitude of plenty.

I'd choose Aspen.

I did have a friend who lived in Hawaii and she liked it but it was very expensive without the programs like Aspen's affordable housing program. The real question is would you like to live in an apartment in Hawaii or a townhouse in Aspen?

BTW I haven't been to Hawaii yet either. I'm sure it's nice, but for me I think I'd rather live in Aspen. It's more central. Yes, it's expensive to fly out of, but it is closer to New York, Chicago, the Grand Canyon, DC . . . .