Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday, 7/11/10, 9:34 a.m. Home

Damn Ambien.  I literally fell asleep trying to journal.  My last paragraph was positively nonsensical.  And messy.  Each time I fell asleep, the pend would hit the page and make a mess.

As I was saying, the Arrival Lounge was plush.  A valet led me to a private room with a shower, toilet and vanity, stocked with a robe, towels and luxurey toiletries.

Off to our SFO to LAX and LAX to ASE flights.  Interesting to note that both flight times were the same.  It doesn't seem like San Francisco is the same distance from LA as Aspen so I'm not sure what accounts for that.

Just so we really knew we were back in Aspen, Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy were at the airport to greet us.  Well, not really to greet us of course, but they were there.

Home. Ambien assisted sleep. Not sure if that counts.  Doesn't really feel like it right now.

Ah, jet lag . . .

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