Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wild Hogs

This movie was stupid.

But I liked it.

The critics didn't and all of their criticisms are accurate.

But I still liked it. (and I don't usually like stupid.)

Since it was No. 1 at the box office the weekend it opened, I guess I wasn't alone.

A group of us at work were talking about seeing it and another co-worker said, "I heard it sucked." We thought she was kidding at first but when I googled it, I discovered that, yep, the critics were saying it sucked.

So we went anyhow.

And most likely because we had lowered expectations, we all enjoyed it.

Now, like I said, it was stupid. It was borderline homophobic, predictable and painful at times.

But it was fun. John Travolta's characterization of the uber-successful, model-marrying, now it's all falling apart, Woody Stevens cracked me up. William H. Macy's clueless nerd, Dudley Frank, was endearing. The road trip portions of the movie made Steve and me want to go on a motorcycle trip. There was an amusing cameo at the climax of the movie and a cute bit involving Extreme Makeover: Home Edition at the end of the movie.

It was filmed on location in Madrid (mad-rid), New Mexico, one of the towns on the Turquoise Trail which Steve and I passed through on our honeymoon.

So, in the world of thumbs up, thumbs down, it gets a thumbs up. In the world of number of stars, I'm at a loss.

1 comment:

Eric Wittenberg said...


I certainly agree with everything you said here, although I thought it was very funny.

As a middle-aged motorcyclist, I could REALLY relate to those guys and what they were trying to do.

Sometimes, I just want to be entertained, and that's exactly what this movie was all about.
