Saturday, March 03, 2007

So tired

Steve made (?) me demo some powder skis on Thursday and I was really wishing I was on them today. So much so that I'm going to demo them again tomorrow and am seriously considering treating myself to them for my upcoming "big" (ends in a 5!) birthday.

Today dawned clear and cold (say 0 degrees). Steve rode his bike to work for an early morning with a 6:45 am clock in so that the patrol could do the control work necessary to keep the mountain safe and get the Highland Bowl open.

With 29 inches of snow in the last week (most of it Wednesday - Friday), there was plenty of snow to control.

After debating whether I wanted to get out of my warm bed to go out skiing in the single degree temps I was seeing during the 8 am hour, I put an extra layer on and caught the bus to Highlands. Today was the last Women's College so I decided to take advantage of the stellar conditions and get a little learning in too.

Hooked up with a class taught by one of my neighbors and as I told her at lunch, it was a perfect clinic. We started slow, going over some basics on some easier terrain but then it got fun when we dropped into Steeplechase and Temerity doing laps on the Deep Temerity lift.

Highlands was packed (for Highlands). At 1 pm, we skied up to the DT lift, only to find approximately 150-200 people in line down there. It was quite the scene but even so, we waited in line for 6 minutes.

6 minutes! How can you complain about that?

I was a bit sorry that I had put the extra layer on while we were skiing Temerity (hard work there) but was thankful for it again after lunch when we moved to the Oly Bowl side where the wind was quite fierce.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo - for braving the elements. When the temps dip to the zero vacinity I prefer to stay in.