Monday, October 16, 2006

Wednesday, October 16, 2002 A.M.

We're in Mexico. We got up early yesterday, had coffee and an argument at the Bisbee Coffee Co, then left Bisbee to go to Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico. We went through Tucson and it ended up being a longer drive than anticipated but we got here at approximately 5 P.M., in time to sit out at the Fishmarket (Aqui es con Flavio), have some ceviche, watch the sun set and watch a school of dolphins swim by. It was magical.

We stayed at the Plaza Las Glorias (now Penasco del Sol) since we didn't feel like trying to find a campsite in the dark. It's a nice hotel with a pool overlooking the beach. This morning we got up and went for a swim in the Sea of Cortez and in the pool.

Last night we started to walk back to the fishmarket but then got a cab and had a drink at Margarita's in the Vino del Mar Hotel. It's hot and humid here and Steve's ring almost fits.

Today we head back to the U.S. I'm a tiny bit worried about getting back in since we have no proof of citizenship but I'm probably concerned about nothing. We did stop yesterday and get Mexican insurance which was also probably unnecessary but it made me feel better.

It is pretty cool sitting here watching the fishing boats at work.

1 comment:

Steve-O said...

All very nicely done. I especially like the postcard from Yuma. 'Year round agricultural center' now there
is a catchy hook. Does that mean it smells bad always? Could they call themselves ' Year round big, rusty,
hot metal, twenty foot high, permanent barrier to the Land of plenty?' Or 'Yuma the Roswell of Arizona' Or 'After seeing Yuma, the aliens decided to press on to
Roswell' Or 'Yuma, almost makes you want to stay in Mexico'