Sunday, October 29, 2006

Early Voting or I voted for my husband's ex-girlfriend

I voted on Friday.

Election Day is more than a week away and I'm glad to be done with it. I feel like now I can just say, "Leave me alone. You can't affect my vote. It's already cast." It's the equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and la-la-la-ing.

I love the heading on this ad from Chicago (which is where I grew up). The ability to poke fun at oneself.

Friday, after I voted, I said to my co-workers, "Vote early." "And vote often" (quoting Al Capone). They were like, "Huh?? Vote often??" Clearly, they did not grow up in Chicago.

I understand there's some controversy over early voting. Some people don't approve. A local columnist we call Sheldon Fingerpointer, with whom I rarely agree and whom I find extremely whiny, recently implored people not to vote early. "What if something happens between now and Election Day that would change your mind?" Since I believe that to be fairly unlikely, I guess it's a risk I'm willing to accept.

According to the Christian Science Monitor and NPR, early voting is increasingly popular with the voters.

It's got my vote.


Anonymous said...

I've voted and I doubt anything will be revealed that will change my mind. I have to vote early as I'm overseas and must vote absentee.

I was interested to notice some changes in the ballot. No more chads. I had to make a line completing an arrow that just had a beginning and an end.

Also in Illinois we could vote on some statement saying whether we thought the US should pull out of Iraq. I don't think it will do much good, but I found it interesting that it was on the ballot and wonder how it got there.

IamMBB said...

It seems that Illinois may be much more current than Colorado. In Colorado, we're just now voting on an amendment to define marriage. I wish we got to weigh in on the Iraq fiasco.

Writer Girl said...

I think that its hilarious that the quote you were batting around at work was spoken by the head of the Chicago mob.

Darling Daughter