Friday, October 27, 2006

Sunday, October 27, 2002 A.M. or The Honeymoon's Over

Sitting in Kimbe's kitchen in an ancient pueblo in Rancho de Taos, New Mexico.

After a round of picture taking, we left Wigwam Hotel #6 and proceeded eastward on Route 66. We stopped at Joe and Aggie's for some bad coffee and then left Winslow. Our next stop was Gallup, NM where we checked out El Rancho Hotel. The lobby has been beautifully renovated. Although it's not quite up to La Posada's standards, it is very nice and merits a stay.

Technically, El Rancho was not our second stop as we stopped at McDonald's for a late breakfast and restroom break.

After Gallup, we continued on to Albuquerque where we stopped by Aunt Pat's. When there was no response to our ringing of the door "chime" twice, we returned to the car to write a note. As I was placing it on her door, I heard her come into her courtyard so I rang the chime again. Not expecting anyone, she was hesitant to admit she was there but finally asked who it was. I didn't say but did tell her that a dumpling wanted to see her, at which point, very puzzled she opened the door to hugs and kisses. We didn't stay too long but did have a nice chat and she did pull out an old photo album to show Steve pre-1970 pictures. It was a nice visit and we were all glad we stopped.

We got to Taos at approximately 4:45 p.m and went over to Melissa's dad's house where we met his girlfriend, Daphne. Rene had just had some coronary stents placed so he was tired and had gone to bed. Bruce and Melissa brought us over to her stepmother's, where we stayed and then we had another spectacular dinner at the restaurant. Our visit with Bruce and Melissa was wonderful with much reminiscing and laughter.

We came back to Kimbe's and fell asleep to a beautiful fire in the kiva fireplace in the corner of the bedroom. The only sour note being awoken to loud music at 3 a.m. from the neighbor's (Sigrid?) house. After lying there a while unable to get back to sleep, I discovered that I couldn't hear the music in the living room. So I stoked the fire and laid down on the couch.

Much rain and some hail last night. We had called yesterday morning and were told that Independence Pass was still open (scheduled to close November 7) so our plan is to go that way. However, if they got any of this weather, that status could have changed or at the very least, the drive could be very interesting.

Antsy to get home. Bruce and Melissa are coming over for coffee (if we can find the coffee grinder) and then we're on our way.

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