Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Stay the Course

I realize that it's probably too much to hope for but I really do hope that John Kerry doesn't back down or bow to pressure.

It's asinine that, with so much of substance to be talking about, this is the lead story. Of course, substance is boring. This is titillating.

The Bushies' focus on Kerry's remark is so ridiculous (and that's what we're fixating one here, one remark, a handful of words, not years of bad policy). Let's talk about what really matters. October was the deadliest month in Iraq. We're going backwards, the terrorism situation is even more dangerous and the Bushies just want to change the vocabulary and deflect attention. It doesn't make any difference to people dying in Iraq what John Kerry said on Monday. What matters is what the Bushies are doing.

I am so offended by the Bushies' assumption that they can change the subject so easily. It's an absolute insult to my intelligence, my ability to think critically and to my success in school.

I am equally pissed off that the strategy seems to be successful. Intelligent, thinking people should not be so easily distracted. It's an ironic proof of Kerry's comments about the importance of a great education. Here's a blog which is a perfect example of the intellectual laziness which pisses me off, this from a woman who styles herself as a freelance writer. I guess it takes less intelligence than I would have thought to be a freelance writer.

While I don't think that Kerry, a Purple Heart recipient, was referring to the intelligence level of the troops, it doesn't help the whole situation that the military just relaxed its standards (once again) in a vain attempt to meet its recruitment goals. Like all stereotypes, it begins with a grain of truth.

According to NPR:

The text of the original speech, supplied by Kerry's staff: "It's great to be here with college students. I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush."

Kerry actually said:
"Education: If you make the most of it -- you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well; if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
While I'm not naive enough to be blind to the idea that the "text of the original speech" was likely manufactured after the fact as a cover, I totally agree that Bush is "stuck in Iraq" and accordingly so are we.

All of that being said, this picture amuses me.


IamMBB said...

So he caved. Oh well. I still think the original sentiment that we're in Iraq because Bush is intellectually lazy is an excellent one. Too bad Bush seems to have a lot of company in the intellectually lazy corner.

Writer Girl said...

I think that Bush is stupid, so personally, I like NPR's version of the quote better. I also agree with my mother about the fact that I am not that stupid, to be so easilly distracted. And the picture is hilarious.

Darling Daughter