Sunday, December 16, 2007

I'm sick :-(

It's a godawful virus that hangs out forever. Yuck.

I have a pretty bomber immune system so I don't get sick often.

It takes a pretty heavy duty virus to permeate my defenses so when I do get sick, like once every couple of years, it kicks my ass.

I know, I know, wahhhhh.

Instead of going to my snowboarding class yesterday, I took lots of drugs and slept all day. Then I took lots of drugs but slept sporadically through the night.

I was supposed to meet two friends for skiing today (it's gorgeous out!) but got up this morning and burned through what little energy I had just making breakfast (that and over-reacting to the fact that all of my yogurt was gone).

Migraine + godawful virus + that time of the month = very grumpy girl.

So, with the thought that it's better to miss skiing today than to miss work tomorrow ('cause I'm just responsible like that and, oh yeah, the paycheck is what makes it all possible), I'm spending the day wallowing.

How pathetic am I?

Out, damn'd virus! Out, I say!

I'm thinking I'll be about as successful as Lady Macbeth was . . .

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