Saturday, September 08, 2007

Little Voice

A good time was had by all.

We had only been there for a little while when three of Rachel's classmates came in which was nice since it gave her someone to hang out with.

When Javier Dunn started playing, the crowd was still pretty small (it never got huge) and Sara Bareilles sat out in the audience and video'd Javier.

At that point, I figured out why her album is called Little Voice. She's tiny. I had watched some YouTube videos of some of her shows and since she performs sitting at her keyboard, you don't get a sense of how small she is. But, just look at her next to Rachel. She's tiny.

Speaking of keyboards, the show almost didn't go on. After Javier Dunn's 6 song set, there was an extended delay. One of Rachel's friends, Kassie, had to leave so Rachel and another friend went backstage to ask if Sara would play Love Song first because that was Kassie's favorite. Sara told them that they might not even be performing since the keyboard that both she and Jon McLaughlin use wasn't working and they were desperately trying to fix it.

About ten minutes later, a cheer sounded onstage, the big screen which functions as a curtain raised and Sara started with Vegas. Belly Up is such an intimate venue. When she was about to launch into Love Song, Sara had a conversation from onstage with Rachel and her friends (sadly, Kassie had had to leave by that point).

Javier, Sara and Jon all have a good stage presence and an ease in chatting with the audience. We had much fun dancing and got to chat with both Sara and Jon at the merchandise booth after their sets.

And afterwards, I was the uber cool mom and gave one of Rachel's friends a ride home, all the way to El Jebel (20+ miles one way).

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