Sunday, October 07, 2007


The majority of Aspen locals are transplants, people who are living far from their extended families. So, we have become each others' extended families and we take care of each other.

It's pretty amazing to see.

On Friday, 800 people paid $35 a piece to attend a benefit for a friend, Bob Sloezen, who is fighting bladder cancer and who has found that the gap between his health insurance coverage and his medical expenses was sickeningly large.

So his friends rallied to the call. In addition to all of the liquor and the entertainment for the party, there were approximately 200 items with values ranging from $50 to $5000 donated for the silent auction.

The place was packed. The parking lot was full. The line to get in stretched outside the door. I was there for 4 hours and probably never even saw 500 of my fellow attendees. Maximum capacity was exceeded by scores. Entrance fees alone netted $28,000.

They're calling it the party of the decade.

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