Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday morning quarterbacking

Once again, I'm frustrated with a news story regarding a politician and the purported need for an apology.

Last time, it was the John Kerry flap.

This time, it's the insistent call for an apology from Hillary Clinton.

Seems that some people who would otherwise support Hillary are insisting that she apologize for her 2002 vote on the Iraq war.

Some guy who was interviewed on NPR the weekend before last insisted that although he agreed with absolutely everything Hillary was about, he could not "hear" her until she apologized.

I think this is a crock.

Talk about Monday morning quarterbacking. For people to be so shortsighted that they would judge an action taken 5 years ago by the current information and intervening events, I find disappointing.

It also solidifies my pessimism about the chances of success for either Obama or Hillary.

While I will willingly vote for either one of them, I don't have enough faith (especially after the last two presidential elections) in the American public to believe that either has a hope of winning in the general election.

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