Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm done now!

Not sure if those who know me would agree . . .

You Are 40% Control Freak

You have achieved the perfect balance of control and letting go.
You tend to roll with whatever life brings, but you never get complacent.


Writer Girl said...

You were I don't agree.

Darling Daughter

IamMBB said...

What, you think I'm less than a 40% control freak?

Anonymous said...

I'd say you're organized and a leader, that's not necessarily a control freak. I got a 16% and do think there's something amiss with this. The questions may not have been the best. I'm more controlling than that. At least I'm more interested in things getting done efficiently and well and I don't trust my current colleagues to do so.

IamMBB said...

I do hate being in a position where you feel that it's not possible to delegate, either due to incompetency, laziness or irresponsibility. I can't do everything but if I can't delegate it, I've got to try.